Every driver at least once in his life found himself in critical situations related to his vehicle. Often this is due to the fact that the door in the car slammed shut, and the only key was lost. In this case, the main thing is not to get confused, and choose the right model of behavior. Do not rush from one extreme to another: immediately call a burglar or a tow truck. Today we will consider various options for solving this problem.
The first thing to do is to calm down and collect your thoughts. It is important for a couple of minutes to take a break from what happened, normalize breathing, and try to relax. It is quite possible that, having gathered your thoughts, you will remember where you left the keys, and the problem will be solved by itself. Suddenly everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance? In extreme cases, you can call a professional burglar. True, after his arrival, the castle will have to be completely changed. But first things first. It is necessary to once again calmly examine the usual places where the keys could be. It is important to inspect outerwear, backpacks and bags. It is possible that the keys fell through the lining. It is advisable to carefully feel the pockets and the entire lining.
It would not be superfluous to scroll through in your head all the events that took place shortly before the loss, starting from the moment the car was closed with a key. It is worth remembering where you went, who you talked to, and what you did. A properly placed chain of events will lead you to an idea where the key may be. If you can’t remember, you should start looking for keys in the nearby area. You can go the same way, during which the loss was discovered, examining the road. If this is a pedestrian zone, often the keys will lie where they were dropped.
It is necessary to inspect not only the footpath, but also the area around it within a radius of two to three meters. If the keys were supposedly lost in a crowded place, you can advertise the loss. Additionally, it is recommended to indicate that you are ready to give a reward to the finder. So, the chances of finding it will increase significantly. A small cash reward will save you money on installing a new lock and buying keys.
If it was still not possible to detect the loss, you will have to turn to other ways to resolve this issue. In particular, you can find a duplicate, pick a lock or open a car. The choice of action depends on each specific situation. If there is a second key, you can not worry, and ask someone close to bring it. Otherwise, you will have to turn to professional hackers for help. It is important that you have the registration certificate for the car with you at the time of their arrival. No one will break into a car without being 100% sure that you are the owner of it. Worst of all, if all the documents for the car remained in the cabin. It is important to document the ownership of the vehicle.
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