

How do I change the battery in a Jeep key fob?

How do I change the battery in a Jeep key fob?

  • 2023-11-24

Jeep key fobs have become an integral part of modern vehicle technology, offering convenience and security. However, like any electronic device, the key fob's battery will eventually need replacement. In this article, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to change the battery in your Jeep key fob, ensuring that you can continue to enjoy a seamless driving experience.

How do I change the battery in a Jeep key fob?

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools

Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools handy:

New battery (refer to your Jeep's manual for the correct battery type)

Small flat-head screwdriver or a coin

Work surface or a soft cloth to prevent damage to the key fob

Step 2: Identify the Battery Compartment

Flip the Jeep key fob to the backside. Look for a small release button or a notch that allows you to open the battery compartment. The location may vary depending on the specific model of your Jeep key fob.

Step 3: Open the Battery Compartment

Press the release button or use a small flat-head screwdriver or coin to turn the notch in the direction indicated for opening. Be gentle to avoid damaging the key fob casing.

Step 4: Remove the Old Battery

Once the battery compartment is open, carefully take out the old battery. Use caution and avoid using excessive force to prevent any damage to the key fob components.

Step 5: Insert the New Battery

Take the new battery and ensure that it is the correct type and orientation. Most Jeep key fobs use a coin-cell battery. Place the new battery into the compartment, making sure it fits snugly.

Step 6: Close the Battery Compartment

Carefully close the battery compartment by pressing it back into place until you hear a click or feel that it's securely sealed. Ensure that there are no gaps around the edges.

Step 7: Test the Key Fob

After replacing the battery, test the key fob by pressing the buttons to lock or unlock your Jeep. If the battery replacement was successful, the key fob should function as usual.

Step 8: Dispose of the Old Battery Properly

Dispose of the old battery in accordance with your local regulations. Many communities have designated recycling centers for used batteries to ensure they are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.


Changing the battery in your Jeep key fob is a simple and straightforward process that can save you from unexpected inconveniences. Regularly check your key fob's battery status and replace it as needed to ensure continued reliability. Following this step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process with ease, keeping your Jeep key fob in optimal working condition for your daily driving needs.


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